175 years Lindt & Sprüngli
81 The rind of the cocoa fruit is 2 to 3 cm thick and protects the pulp and seeds from damage. Depending on the variety, the ripe fruit can be yellow, orange, red, or purple. Emotion — 175 years of chocolate 1 kilogram of chocolate can be produced from 1,000 cocoa beans. 40 cocoa beans are found in a cocoa fruit on average. 1,000 cocoa beans can be produced by one cocoa tree in a year. Did you know? The pulp encases the cocoa beans and has a pale lavender color with the texture of a lychee. It is edible and has a sweet and fresh taste like a lemon. The beans are the seeds of the fruit and are delicate and sticky when raw. Every pod has between 40 and 60 seeds.