175 years Lindt & Sprüngli
83 Emotion — 175 years of chocolate history 1 2 3 4 At Lindt&Sprüngli, sustainability starts with a bean, a tree, and a farmer. The company pulls out every stop for the most important raw material, cocoa, as high-quality cocoa beans are the essence of every chocolate. For Lindt&Sprüngli, it is important to know where the cocoa comes from and under what conditions it is grown and harvested. This is why we have deliberately opted for our own sustainable sourcing model, the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Pro- gram, which involves long-term and stable partner- ships with our suppliers. Cocoa is often grown in countries with difficult living conditions and where farmers face all man- ner of different challenges. The Program enables Lindt&Sprüngli to trace cocoa beans back to their origin and to offer sustainable support to farmers and their communities based on their specific needs. As well as improving living and working conditions, the Program seeks to eliminate child labor and im- prove environmental aspects. Training sessions and courses support the management of farms in line The trainers work closely with the cocoa farmers to pass on knowledge about organic farming and social and economic considerations. About 400 field trainers are involved in the Farming Program in Ghana alone. Traceability and farmer organization Traceability provides the basis for any commitment to sustainability. We can only have an impact on local circumstances if we know where the beans are coming from and who is producing them. The Program therefore starts by organizing the farmers into groups and locating the farms with GPS. Knowledge and training transfer Training the farmers helps them improve their agricultural practices. They learn how to manage their plantations in a professional and environmentally friendly manner in order to increase their yields and income. The farmers are also taught social practices to raise their awareness of issues such as child labor. Supporting farmers and communities Farmers receive the farming equipment they need, such as rubber boots, cutting tools, and agricultural machinery, in the form of benefits in kind. High-yielding and disease-resistant cocoa seedlings and shade trees are also distributed. The village communities are supported through the construction of wells for clean drinking water and the rehabilitation of schools. Verification and continuous progress An internal monitoring system helps assess the progress made by farmers’ environmental, agricultural, and economic practices and ensures the effectiveness of the activities. In all five countries where it exists, the Farming Program undergoes an annual review by a third party at least once a year. To this end, Lindt&Sprüngli has been working with the independent third party “Earthworm Foundation” since 2015. 4 Elements of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program