175 years Lindt & Sprüngli

85 Emotion — 175 years of chocolate history 3 Cocoa farmers in all five countries of origin receive high-yielding and dis- ease-resistant fine-­ flavor cocoa seedlings and shade trees to help them rejuvenate and diversify their plantations. In Ghana, Madagas- car, and Papua New Guinea, communities are supported with the construction of water systems and boreholes to provide them with clean drinking water. 100 % of all cocoa beans will be being sourced from the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program by 2020. To ensure the effectiveness of the measures, the Lindt & Sprüngli Farming Program is reviewed at least once a year by an independent third party – the “Earth- worm Foundation”. with agricultural, social, and environmental practic- es so that farmers can increase their yields and di- versify their sources of income. The expansion of rural infrastructure, such as the construction of wells or rehabilitation of schools, also supports the development of village communities. The Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program is financed with a price premium per ton of cocoa beans and through contributions from the charitable Lindt Cocoa Foundation and other partners. The Program is implemented and supported on the ground by local partners. Through the sustainability program, Lindt &Sprüngli ensures that cocoa farmers, their families, and the surrounding communities are the direct recipients of investments in order to significantly improve their livelihoods and ensure sustainable agriculture. When the Program was launched in Ghana in 2008, it focused on traceability and the development of communities. Over the years, the Program has been continuously expanded. It has been possible to fully trace and externally verify the entire cocoa bean supply in Ghana since 2016. The visible pro- gress and successes in Ghana have encouraged Lindt&Sprüngli’s decision to expand the Program to other countries. Ecuador, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, and the Dominican Republic are now also part of the Lindt & Sprüngli Farming Program, for example. From 2020 onwards, the Lindt &Sprüngli Farming Program will reach over 80,000 cocoa farmers and aims to achieve the major milestone of a fully traceable and externally veri- fied cocoa bean supply chain. farming-program.com Verification 4 SUPPORT