175 years Lindt & Sprüngli

LINDT&SPRÜNGLI 86 THE LINDT &SPRÜNGLI FARMING PROGRAM 2020 8,500 cocoa farmers participate in the Farming Program in Ecuador. 620,000 fine-flavor cocoa seedlings * have been planted since the launch of the Program. 90,000 fine-flavor cocoa seedlings * are now rejuvenating the cocoa plantations. Ecuador Ecuador is one of our most important country of origin for fine-flavor cocoa beans. A great deal of effort is being put into improving all four elements, with a particular focus currently being placed on the rejuvenation of fine- flavor cocoa plantations. Dominican Republic In the youngest country of origin for our fine-flavor cocoa, the Program focuses on the organization of cocoa farmers and their training as well as the rejuvenation of old plant stock, along with numerous other measures. 2020 100% of our cocoa beans are traceable and externally verified. 2017 Launch of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program in Papua New Guinea. 2016 Cocoa bean supply chain from Ghana is fully traceable and verified. 2015 Launch of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program in Madagascar. 2013 The Lindt Cocoa Foundation is established. 2014 Launch of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program in Ecuador. 2012 Extension of the Program to include four elements, including external verification. 2008 Launch of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program in Ghana with a focus on traceability and community development. 2018 Launch of the Lindt&Sprüngli Farming Program in the Dominican Republic. Milestones of the Farming Program