175 years Lindt & Sprüngli

LINDT&SPRÜNGLI 88 As a master of your craft who knows all the inter- national trends, surely your favorite chocolate is very unusual? Quite the contrary. I’ve been a huge fan of the Lindt milk chocolate with the whole roasted hazelnuts since childhood. It was my first choc- olate bar as a child, and it is and will continue to be my favorite. What do you first look for when you taste a new chocolate for the first time? I take a very close look at it, as, like always in life, the first impression counts. What color is it, is its structure even, and does it have the particular shine a chocolate needs to have? What distinguishes a good chocolate for you at first glance? I pay attention to the texture of the surface and I touch it. As with our Excellence chocolates, it should have a smooth surface and a solid con- sistency. And what exactly should people pay attention to before tasting? Hold the bar right up to your ear and break a piece off. Good chocolate should break with a recognizable snap sound. The broken edge should also be smooth when you look at it. And now do we finally come to the taste of chocolate? Before we do that, we consider the smell. Hold the chocolate directly under your nose and take a deep breath. Now we come to the delight. Let the chocolate melt in your mouth, breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. This way, you absorb the marvelous variety of aromas through your mouth and nose. Is that the most intense moment of chocolate delight? No, not quite yet. We let the chocolate melt slowly in the mouth and spread it around so that we can reach all the taste buds. It is only then that we reach the most intense and harmonious chocolate experience. A tasting session usually finishes with a chocolate smile, which I like to call the sixth sense. Emotion Stefan Bruderer has been a genuine fan of chocolate since early childhood. At the age of 16, he started his training to be a patissier with a focus on chocolate. He then studied food technology and innovation management at a later date. He has been one of the world-fa- mous Lindt Master Chocolatiers for nine years and works on new Lindt creations at the head- quarter in Klichberg. Enjoying chocolate with all your senses is a highly skilled art that Stefan Bruderer, Master Chocolatier at Lindt&Sprüngli has perfected over the years. Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the true chocolate delight